Scentwork Training
Scentwork Detection courses are designed to teach you and your dog the foundations. Designed for dogs with little to no formal training experience or to refresh and retrain an experienced dog. Whether your dog is a puppy, adolescent or adult, they’ve been with you all their life or a recent rescue with our dog scentwork training sessions. You both can all learn the enjoyment and enrichment of scentwork.

Benefits of engaging your dog’s sense of smell.
All forms of sport that engage your dog’s primary sense, their nose is excellent enrichment. Why not start your introduction to scentwork journey today?
Independently Assessed By
For your peace of mind, you know you’re in safe hands.

We “see” the world. Our dogs “smell” the world.
What is Scent work?
The benefits of scent work for you and your dog are numerous. It increases mental enrichment for dogs of all ages and improves their self-control.
Scent work can build your relationship with your dog. As well as their confidence to explore and engage with their environment.
Start your new activity together today and book onto the next foundation course.

What are detection dogs?
Detection dogs are used in many aspects of everyday life. Whether a working dog is with the police tracking a suspect, customs checking bags in an airport, or military searching for mines.
More recently, medical dogs are sniffing out cancer, COVID-19 and other conditions in people. All of these dogs use their fantastic sense of smell.

Is it possible for my dog?
We often start detection training without thinking about it. Playing fun games like find the treat. Did you teach your dog this one?
We have yet to see a dog who cannot smell that crumb under the coffee table! Dogs learn through experiences and the desire to hunt.

How sensitive are dogs’ noses?
A dog’s nose is much more sensitive when compared to ours. Our noses have around five million olfactory receptors, whereas dogs have up to 300 million!
Add this to the percentage of the dog’s brain used to process scent, which is 40 times greater than ours, where we see our dog’s smell!

Is it a sport?
Scentwork is now a popular dog sport in the UK. Scentwork UK, for example, runs trials all over the country.
Whether you’re looking for a competitive sport or a fun activity for you and your dog.
Scentwork is for you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Train your dog in a fun and effective way with Positive reward methods.
The Scent Work Foundation Course is a four-class course spread over four weeks. Teaching you and your dog to work together to find a specific scent. Start your new fun activity today!